
This section contains the specific documentation for developers who need to integrate the different functionalities of their systems with Ventiapp to achieve automation between platforms.


There are API's to control Stock and Prices, the developer must be aware that he will work with data and sensitive information for the company. Ventiapp is not responsible for any poor implementation of APIs that are available and open to the user.


Ventiapp doesn't have an exclusive sandbox environment, but it does have specific test accounts where the developer will be able to carry out all their tests, including connecting to the channels they need in test accounts for each channel.

To access these types of accounts, the developer must be part of a company that has acquired the services of Ventiapp. Access must be requested from indicating for which company it is developing.


To move the developments made to production, the test account must be replaced with an Administrator account within Ventiapp, the recommendation is to make a new user specifically for the use of the API's since the information of the events carried out is stored in our logs.


The Ventiapp API doesn't support having repeated SKUs in the products, this means that if the user has repeated SKUs and performs an update from the API, it will only take the oldest product that contains the SKU in question.

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